"Insurgents—Exiles. Siberian relay race of generations. The November Uprising and the exiles after the uprising." - Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru

“Insurgents—Exiles. Siberian relay race of generations. The November Uprising and the exiles after the uprising.”

The aim of the exhibition is to pay attention to still little known aspects of living in far Siberia.

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“Insurgents—Exiles. Siberian relay race of generations. The November Uprising and the exiles after the uprising.”

The exhibition presents the exile fates of Poles between XVIII and XIX century with the attention to their uprising fates. It also contains the information regarding tough life on exile and interesting scientific and financial careers of some of the exiles.


The exhibition consists of 8 PVC boards (including the title board) with dimensions of 100 cm x 70 cm. There is also a possibility of designating a license for the digital version with the TIFF format files. The boards are adapted to be displayed on easels or in Omega-type exhibition systems.

Detailed information about the terms of renting the exhibition provides the Permanent Exhibition Department:

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